Have you ever wondered how people make money in real estate? While late night TV is filled with dozens of “get rich quick” real estate schemes, each one of these “new real estate secrets” are actually variations on the two most common strategies professional real estate investors use to make their money. Savvy investors know how to produce returns but they also know how to protect their investments. Because of the powerful tax benefits, holding real estate investments within a self-directed IRA account has the potential to produce above market returns.
Strategy One: Rental Income
The first way many investors make money in real estate is to own property and have others pay them for using it. This could be residential property like a rental home or an apartment building. This could be a commercial building like a strip mall or office building. Even undeveloped land can be “leased” in the sense that others pay to exploit certain rights like water or mineral rights. Erecting a mobile phone tower on vacant land is another way to get income from property. The key is to make more money in rent that you have to pay out in costs like property taxes and mortgage payments. Self-directed IRA’s can hold property that is rented to others. This allows the money to grow on a tax-deferred basis.
Strategy Two: Appreciation
The second strategy to making money in real estate is appreciation. This is the oldest way to make money at anything, buy low and sell high. Of course, real estate doesn’t always keep growing in value. You need skill to spot bargains and possess the wisdom to see future trends. Once again, a self-directed IRA is an excellent way of allowing your investments to grow instead of getting slowly eaten away by taxes. You can buy and hold properties in your self-directed IRA and if you want or need to sell a property, you can defer the income taxes on the sale. Generally speaking, taxes are only paid when a distribution is taken from the IRA; although certain taxable situations may apply when real estate assets are leveraged. Feel free to call our office if you’d like to learn more about this unique situations.
Many successful retirees have used a combination of both methods to make money in real estate through self-directed IRA’s. They have bought rental properties that paid for themselves. The IRA held the property while it gradually appreciated and the wise investors eventually sold the property for a big cash payout, all while the profits grew in a tax deferred self-directed IRA. Find the strategy or combination of strategies that works best for you and start taking control of your retirement. If you’d like to learn more about real estate IRA investing, please contact the New Direction IRA business development team at 303-546-7930 x155 for a free consultation and links to great learning resources.